We firmly believe that robust corporate governance is crucial to our company’s prosperity and in fostering trust with our stakeholders. Our approach is to manage and operate our business grounded in principles of integrity, honesty, and fairness, while strictly adhering to all relevant legal and regulatory standards.

Economic performance
Anti-competitive behavior
Ethical Business Conduct
Customer Satisfaction

Status: 8 out of 12 governance
goals for 2025 have been already
embedded in 2023.



Our governance structure is designed with strength and clarity, steered by our Board of Directors. This Board has confirmed that the majority of its members are independent, aligning with the standards of the New York Stock Ex.change (NYSE).

Their role includes defining the company’s strategic directions, overseeing the management team, and ensuring transparent communication with our shareholders about governance activities. Our commitment to corporate governance is fundamental, driving positive impacts across our operations, especially in advancing sustainability efforts.

Danaos abides by the:
• Corporate Governance Guidelines
• Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
• Code of Conduct & Ethics for Corporate Ofcers & Directors
• Ethics and Compliance Policy
• Anti-Fraud Policy
• Insider Trading Policy
• Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy
• Anti-Money Laundering Policy
• Stakeholders Engagement Policy
• Health & Safety Policy
• Environmental policy


In 2023, our governance framework was further enhanced, with the Board of Directors demonstrating rigorous adherence to high governance standards. Comprised of executive, non-executive and independent members, the Board reflects diversity in nationality and expertise, promoting strategic decision-making and effective oversight. This diverse structure ensures transparency and accountability, essential for aligning with the long-term interests of stakeholders. Currently, the Danaos Board is composed solely of male members. In our pursuit of excellence in governance though, we recognize the imperative need for a diverse and inclusive Board. To address the current composition, we are committed to implementing targeted recruitment and mentorship programs aimed at enhancing the representation especially of women and other underrepresented groups on our Board. These initiatives are designed to bring a wider range of perspectives and expertise to our governance, ensuring decisions reflect the diverse world in which we operate.

Our governance approach is articulated through the diligent efforts of four key committees: the Audit Committee, which oversees financial integrity and compliance; the Compensation Committee, responsible for executive compensation and policy setting; the Environmental, Social,

and Governance (ESG) Committee, guiding our impact on the economy, environment, and society; and the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee, ensuring effective board and executive management. Each committee plays a crucial role, meeting multiple times throughout the year to review the company’s performance, strategies, and risk management.

Detailed description of the responsibilities of each committee can be found  Danaos Corporation website.

The Board’s commitment is evident in their regular meetings, where comprehensive reviews of the company’s performance and strategic direction are conducted, always with an eye towards sustainable development and stakeholder value. Through these structured and focused efforts, our Board effectively manages and monitors the company’s impacts, ensuring responsible governance and strategic oversight.

For more detailed information on our governance practices and committee activities in 2023, please visit our website here and/or refer to our annual report. This documentation further underscores our dedication to high governance standards and our commitment to transparency, accountability, and the long-term interests of our stakeholders.

Our governance approach is articulated through the diligent efforts of four key committees: the Audit Committee, which oversees financial integrity and compliance; the Compensation Committee, responsible for executive compensation and policy setting; the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Committee, guiding our impact on the economy, environment, and society; and the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee, ensuring effective board and executive management.


In 2023, Danaos advanced its corporate governance framework significantly. A detailed Corporate Governance Manual, accessible to all employees via the Company’s Intranet, provides clear guidance on governance principles and ethical standards. A targeted training program, led by the Internal Audit Department (IAD), ensures that employees, especially newcomers, are well-acquainted with governance practices from the start.
The program covers aspects such as ethical decision- making, compliance, and risk management, ensuring employees are not just aware but actively engaged in upholding governance standards. Regular reviews and feedback loops are integral to this initiative, ensuring the governance approach remains dynamic and aligned with the best industry practices.
A detailed Corporate Governance Manual, accessible to all employees via the Company’s Intranet, provides clear guidance on governance principles and ethical standards.


The commitment to Corporate Governance does not stop at introduction and training; it is about continuous improvement and alignment with industry standards. Regular monitoring and revisions keep practices up-to-date and in line with the evolving industry landscape. By integrating benchmarking insights, Danaos’ governance framework is ensured to be robust, proactive, and reflective of the dedication to transparency, accountability, and ethical conduct.
The enhancement of the Corporate Governance Manual and Training Program is a testament to Danaos’ commitment to setting governance benchmarks. These initiatives reinforce a culture of integrity and transparency, positioning Danaos as a leader in corporate governance within the industry.


Our Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee’s refined approach in 2023 ensures a thorough nomination and selection process for our governance body, aligning with strategic and ESG objectives. The committee evaluates candidates based on their experience, skills, and independence, ensuring diversity in viewpoints and knowledge on the board. The process involves considering candidates’ potential to maintain relationships with stakeholders and respond to market developments, underscoring our commitment to ethical governance and stakeholder engagement.
In 2023, the board’s collective expertise in maritime operations, finance, sustainability initiatives, and technological innovation has been instrumental in navigating the complexities of the marine transportation sector. For a comprehensive understanding of our governance practices and committee activities in 2023, please visit our detailed exposition at and/or refer to our annual report. Short bios of Board members are also available on our annual report.


The structure of our Board, including the dual role of the Chair who also serves as the CEO, ensures strategic alignment and effective management oversight.
The Board, responsible for setting strategic goals and overseeing management, ensures that the Chair’s dual role does not lead to conflicts of interest, fostering a robust governance framework that aligns with the company’s commitment to sustainability and ethical practices.


Our approach to managing conflicts of interest involves strict adherence to the Code of Conduct & Ethics, ensuring that directors, officers, and employees act with integrity. The Audit Committee addresses any conflicts involving the CEO or other executive officers, with a clear process for disclosing and managing potential conflicts, ensuring that our governance practices uphold the highest ethical standards.
Aligning with our commitment to transparency and accountability, the company has established a policy to ensure that all significant Related Party Transactions are properly identified, reviewed, and approved by the Board of Directors, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. This governance practice is crucial for maintaining the integrity of our operations and the trust of our stakeholders. For more detailed disclosures regarding our related party transactions, stakeholders are encouraged to consult the company’s annual report.


The ESG Committee, established to provide guidance on environmental, social, and governance matters, works closely with the enhanced risk management framework to oversee the company’s sustainability efforts. The Committee’s role in reviewing and recommending initiatives, assessing risks and opportunities, and promoting ESG practices within the company’s business culture ensures that sustainability is an integral part of our strategic decision-making process.
The ESG Committee’s collective expertise enhances our governance body’s knowledge on sustainable development. Their diverse experience in environmental, social, and governance aspects ensures informed, strategic decisions, driving our commitment to sustainability and ethical business practices.


The Company’s Whistleblowing Policy, combined with educational initiatives, reinforces a culture of ethical conduct and compliance with laws and regulations.
The policy encourages the reporting of unethical or illegal activities and protects employees from retaliation, ensuring that critical concerns are communicated effectively and addressed promptly to maintain the integrity of our organization. There were zero cases of confirmed breaches of the Code of Conduct & Ethics for 2023.


Annually, the Board of Directors and its committees, under the guidance of the Nominating & Corporate Governance Committee, engage in self-evaluations to examine their performance and highlight areas needing improvement. These assessments are crucial for maintaining exemplary corporate governance standards, ensuring the Board’s actions are aligned with strategic objectives. The outcomes of these evaluations initiate improvements in Board effectiveness, governance practices, and strengthen the commitment to ethical leadership and stakeholder involvement.
Entrusted with a thorough review of these findings, the Nominating & Corporate Governance Committee leverages its comprehensive expertise to recommend precise improvements. This process emphasizes a continuous journey toward governance excellence, reflecting the Board’s proactive approach to self-improvement and its role as a model in corporate governance. Their ongoing efforts to excel not only demonstrate a resolute dedication to high standards but also position them as an example for best practices in governance, inspiring broader organizational and industry-wide advancements.
There were zero cases of confirmed breaches of the Code of Conduct & Ethics for 2023.


Danaos remuneration policies, overseen by the Compensation Committee, are carefully designed to align with our corporate values and strategic objectives. The policies are reviewed and approved annually, ensuring fairness and consistency. Although not directly linked to specific performance metrics like share price or profitability, our approach reflects a commitment to accountability and aligns remuneration with the broader interests of the company and stakeholders. Information about Board members owned shares and stock ownership requirements for CEO and other Board members are presented analytically in Danaos annual report. The Compensation Committee, composed of independent directors, follows a rigorous and transparent process to determine remuneration. Stakeholder views, including those of shareholders, are taken into consideration, ensuring that our remuneration practices are fair, competitive, and supportive of our organizational ethos.

This process underscores our dedication to a remuneration system that is equitable and reflective of our commitment to ethical governance. More information about the remuneration policies, procedures and figures are provided in Danaos annual report for 2023.

Danaos sets specific climate related targets, which if met by the CEO, remuneration is provided. Moreover, Danaos has included the achievement of environmental targets in the assessment criteria for employees rewarding. 1% of net income is distributed to those contributed to targets achievement. The BoD approves salary bonuses for Executive Officers based upon the proposal of the Compensation Committee.



Two-Tiered Risk Assessment and Delegated Management Process:

In 2023, Danaos significantly refined its risk management framework, closely aligning it with strategic business objectives and a proactive stakeholder engagement strategy to ensure holistic risk management and operational efficiency. The process begins with the Board of Directors conducting a high-level assessment of 26 major risks, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities Danaos may face. Mid-level management further refines this assessment, thoroughly analyzing these risks into 80 smaller, actionable components. This two-tiered risk management approach ensures a detailed focus on risk mitigation and opportunity identification, aligning operations with industry best practices and reinforcing the commitment to the ESG strategy.

The Board of Directors,  supported by the Audit Committee, plays a crucial role in this refined approach. The Board assesses major risks and contemplates potential mitigation strategies, while the Audit Committee engages in deep discussions about the enforcement of company’s policies regarding risk assessment and management. This includes establishing appropriate guidelines and policies to govern the process, alongside a thorough
examination of the company’s major financial risk exposures and the management’s steps to control them.

For effective risk management, the Board, with assistance from the Audit Committee, delegates the management of specific risks to executive officers, depending on the nature of each risk. This structured delegation ensures that risks are managed by individuals with the most relevant expertise and insight, significantly enhancing the effectiveness of risk management strategies.


Stakeholders Engagement and Risk Mitigation:

The Stakeholders Engagement Policy is integral to the risk management approach, ensuring proactive consideration of the needs and desires of all stakeholders. Strong and frequent relationships are established through various engagement methods such as open communication, internal meetings, management review reports, and team-building activities. This commitment to transparency and effective engagement reflects in identifying, communicating with, and meeting the expectations of stakeholders, fostering strong, transparent, and mutually beneficial relationships.

This policy, implemented and monitored by the Corporate Sustainability Officer (CSO) and the ESG Working Team, involves a comprehensive assessment that considers both internal and external material factors. It aligns risk management strategies with the expectations and concerns of stakeholders, thereby enhancing the resilience and responsiveness of operations.

Continual and Flexible Risk Assessment:

The shipping industry, dynamic and subject to continual change, including regulatory updates and market shifts, demands a flexible risk assessment approach. Our approach has been instrumental in enabling the company to adapt and respond effectively to these changes.

Additionally, we are committed to the continual development and training of staff. Recognizing that an informed and skilled workforce is the greatest asset in identifying and managing emerging risks, comprehensive training and development programs have been implemented. These programs focus on equipping staff with the knowledge and tools necessary to anticipate and respond to industry specific challenges, reinforcing a proactive stance on risk management.


Alignment with Business Objectives:

At Danaos, risk management is intricately woven into the business strategy, ensuring alignment of operations with the ability to achieve business objectives and the long-term vision. A structured set of business objectives – categorized into Operations, Reporting, Compliance, and Sustainability – is directly supported by the risk management framework and stakeholder engagement strategy.

Operations Objectives: The risk management approach, coupled with stakeholder engagement strategy, ensures operational excellence, cost control, and fleet optimization, promoting profitability, growth, and innovation.
Reporting Objectives: Commitment to accurate and transparent reporting is bolstered by risk management and stakeholder engagement strategies, ensuring reliability and integrity in financial and non-financial reporting.
Compliance Objectives: Adherence to legal and regulatory frameworks is reinforced by the risk management framework and stakeholder insights, ensuring ethical operations and robust compliance protocols.
ESG Objectives: ESG goals are supported by the risk management approach and stakeholder engagement, focusing on minimizing environmental impact, ensuring social well-being, and promoting ethical governance practices.

This two-tiered risk management approach ensures a detailed focus on risk mitigation and opportunity identification, aligning operations with industry best practices and reinforcing the commitment to the ESG strategy.


Danaos provides information on the direct economic value generated and distributed in its annual report.

The company also has a defined benefit plan in place, which is managed through its liquidity resources. Danaos believes it has sufficient cash and cash equivalents to meet its defined benefit plan obligations.

However, due to confidentiality reasons, quantitative disclosure about the terms of executives’ defined benefit plan cannot be provided. For detailed information, please refer to our latest annual report. Company’s operations are not subject of reimbursements and direct financial assistance from state agencies at any country in globe.


Our holistic approach to anti-corruption, combining thorough risk management with a profound commitment to ethical business practices, solidifies our resolve against corruption. Strategic risk mitigation efforts, coupled with ethical engagement, not only help us address corruption risks but also enhance our operational resilience. Our track record of maintaining for 2023 no confirmed incidents of corruption and bribery or monetary losses from related legal proceedings, underscores the efficacy of our risk management strategies and our deep-rooted commitment to integrity in every aspect of our operations.

Danaos, devoted in its commitment to the highest standards of integrity and transparency, has firmly established a robust Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption (ABAC) Policy. This policy embodies our uncompromising stance against corruption, ensuring adherence to international anti-bribery and anti-corruption regulations. Our dynamic approach to policy review and updates aligns with evolving global standards, protecting our operations against potential legal, financial, and reputational risks.
ABAC Policy has been communicated to all (100%) managers and directors within the company.

ABAC Policy has been communicated to all (100%) managers and directors within the company.

Our ABAC Policy, alongside a comprehensive risk management framework, aims to uphold unparalleled ethical standards throughout all company operations. Our ABAC policy is publicly available in the company’s website.

Central to our anti-corruption efforts are our comprehensive training programs. Annually, we conduct several mandatory training sessions for all employees, aimed at deepening their understanding of our ABAC policy, the legal consequences of bribery and corruption, and the practical measures for their prevention. These sessions are pivotal in cultivating a culture of integrity within Danaos and are continuously updated to mirror the latest developments in legal standards and
best practices.


In 2023, we undertook a detailed risk assessment covering 100% of our operations to pinpoint all potential corruption-related risks, underscoring our dedication to transparent and ethical operations. This meticulous process ensures an extensive evaluation of our operational framework.

Our extensive risk assessment revealed several critical areas with potential corruption implications:

• Global Economic Conditions: We recognize that economic downturns and geopolitical tensions could inadvertently create conditions conducive to corruption. Our strategy to counteract such risks involves continuous monitoring and adaptable business planning.
• Demand Fluctuations and Trade Protectionism: Variability in market demand and the advent of protectionist policies could influence corruption risks by altering our competitive environment. To mitigate these risks, we pursue market diversification and strategic planning.

• Financial Market Disruptions: The volatility of financial markets poses a risk by potentially increasing borrowing costs and restricting capital
allocation. Our diversified funding sources and robust liquidity strategy are crucial for mitigating these risks.

Engagement in Sustainable
and Anti-Corruption Partnerships

We have initiated the process of joining the Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) initiative, a step that will strengthen our corporate governance by tackling bribery, facilitation payments, and various forms of corruption. This initiative involves the development and dissemination of best practices, enhancing awareness of common challenges, and engaging closely with our key stakeholders to create sustainable solutions.


Our anti-corruption initiatives are supported by transparent and measurable metrics, such as the number of conducted training sessions, compliance rates, and the effectiveness of our reporting mechanisms.

Moreover, our risk assessment processes critically examine the externalized impacts of our operations on stakeholders, ensuring our business practices contribute positively to societal well-being and environmental sustainability.


Our dedication to ethical operations is further underscored by succeeding 0% of our port calls in 2023 were in countries ranked among the 20 lowest in Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index (CPI).

This achievement significantly minimizes our exposure to high-risk environments for corruption and underscores our commitment to conducting business in jurisdictions that reflect our ethical values.

Our dedication to ethical operations is further underscored by succeeding 0% of our port calls in 2023 were in countries ranked among the 20 lowest in Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index (CPI).


The Purpose Of The Code Of Business
Conduct & Ethics And Policies Is To:

• Raise employee awareness on areas concerning ethical risk.
• Provide guidance to help employees recognize and deal with ethical issues, especially in preventing bribery and corruption.

• Provide mechanisms for employees to report unethical conduct.
• Foster among them a culture of honesty and accountability.


We place a strong emphasis on ethical business conduct and is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity in all of our operations. We have developed a comprehensive Code of Business Conduct & Ethics and associated policies to ensure adherence to these standards. Employees are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that upholds the reputation and integrity of the company, avoiding any actual or perceived conflicts of interest in their personal and business activities, and disclosing any such conflicts promptly. To promote ethical behavior throughout the organization, we have established procedures for identifying, interpreting, and effectively communicating compliance issues to both shore-based and onboard personnel. We also provide a safe and anonymous system for reporting any violations of its Code of Business Conduct & Ethics and Policies.

By prioritizing ethical conduct, we aim to establish trust with stakeholders and mitigate potential legal and operational risks.

We measure our commitment to ethical behavior through several key performance indicators. All employees (100%) certify their compliance with the company’s Code of Business Conduct & Ethics and Policies, and all employees (100%) receive training and education on ethical policies and procedures. Incidents reported through the anonymous reporting system are monitored, and effective resolution of any issues that arise is ensured. For 2023, no material reports were received. The company also conducts regular reviews and updates to its ethical policies and procedures to ensure their continued relevance and effectiveness.


We are dedicated to the highest ethical standards in managing data, privacy, and security. This foundational commitment to our stakeholders is supported by comprehensive compliance with a broad spectrum of regulatory standards. While our efforts include adherence to the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR),

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) frameworks, and the EU’s Network and Information Systems 2 (NIS2) directive, these are not exhaustive of the regulations we follow. Our forward-thinking cybersecurity strategy encompasses a wider array of international data protection and cybersecurity norms and practices.


With the GDPR’s enactment, Danaos has reinforced stringent personal data handling protocols across all data life cycles. This includes employing transparent, secure, and respectful data collection, processing, and storage practices.

Our proactive engagement in a Gap Analysis with a specialized consulting firm had further strengthened our compliance, enhancing our posture in global data protection.


Our integrated cybersecurity strategy employs cutting-edge technologies and awareness initiatives to safeguard sensitive information. Danaos’ cybersecurity risk management program, adhering to international standards such as the IMO

guidelines and the ISO 27000 series, reflects our commitment to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data, showcasing our broader commitment beyond the specified frameworks.


Actively pursuing ISO 27001 and 27701 certifications, Danaos demonstrates its commitment to risk management and data protection. ISO 27001’s focus on information security management systems and ISO 27701’s extension to

privacy information management emphasize our comprehensive approach to data governance, indicating our adherence to and beyond the specifically mentioned regulations.


Our governance structure, as detailed in our Annual Report, showcases a proactive, structured approach to cybersecurity and data protection. With oversight mechanisms involving top management and specialized committees, Danaos ensures strategic alignment of our cybersecurity initiatives. The expertise within our IT

Department underpins these strategies, aligning them with both specified and additional international standards and organizational goals. This governance framework solidifies our commitment to excellence in data protection and cybersecurity within the maritime industry.

In 2023, the company did not receive any substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy or losses of customer data.


In Danaos we have procedures in place to ensure effective implementation of suppliers ESG programs required to identify and assess material risks and impacts. We publicly disclose the measures related to suppliers’ engagement in our Low Carbon Transition Plan. Throughout 2022, we worked to establish end-to-end visibility on supplier ESG performance by establishing the operational model, integrating ESG principles in the procurement process and prioritized focus on human rights, equal opportunities and non-discrimination policies, child labor policies, anti-corruption policies, carbon reduction policies and safe working condition policies.

We have a systematic supplier screening approach to identify significant suppliers and environmental, social and governance aspects are considered in the screening process. The approved list of suppliers is comprised of suppliers meeting financial integrity, legal integrity, reliability, material and service cost and delivery time predefined criteria. For significant key suppliers ESG criteria have also been introduced.

Suppliers’ desk assessment with verification of evidence is in place. The Danaos ESG Assessment Questionnaire, in which ESG rating criteria
are reported, can be found in the following link:

Suppliers are requested to provide supporting evidence on their ESG policies, practices, performance and public disclosures. This information is then reviewed resulting in an appraisal of the supplier’s ESG performance.

We have set prerequisites and mandatory criteria which, in case not fulfilled the corresponding suppliers are removed from the approved suppliers list. The 2023 assessment resulted in zero suppliers being excluded from the list.

In the scope of this questionnaire with ESG criteria, according to UN Compact and GRI standards, our suppliers are requested to report not only on their Scope 1+2 emissions related to Danaos activities,
but all ESG aspects that are considered important for sustainable business.

Within 2023 the number of our suppliers sharing their Scope 1+2 emissions doubled. Of course, there is work to be done to this respect, however the first steps have been successfully made to this direction.

We also share with our clients our Scope 1+2 emissions allocated to them, so that they can in turn evaluate the size of their contribution in a holistic approach as a part of the value chain environmental footprint and refine their strategy accordingly.

We have introduced KPIs for our suppliers basis on their ESG performance while we have enhanced our ESG questionnaire requiring more
supporting evidence.

We have developed the Supplier Code of Conduct that articulates our expectations for ethical behavior, legal compliance, and responsible practices among all our suppliers and subcontractors. The Code aligns with our core values of sustainability, fairness, and corporate responsibility, and
demonstrates our commitment to the United Nations Global Compact and adherence to international standards such as the ILO Declaration and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Within 2023 we sent our ESG questionnaire to 141 significant suppliers (above $200k business and more than 20 p personnel) which represent more than 90% of our suppliers’ turnover. These suppliers include shipyards, spares, lub oil and paint suppliers, travel agents, insurers etc.

More than 30% of them have replied and over 30% have reported that the adhere to Danaos Code of Ethics, part of which is Danaos Supplier
Code of Conduct ( The foundation for integrating sustainable procurement into our ESG strategy was built in 2022, in 2023-2025 we focus on scaling up our supplier engagement.

Within 2024 it is our target to pursue 100% of significant suppliers commitment to the Supplier Code of Conduct, to assess 100% of our key suppliers, to introduce weights to ESG criteria and produce a scorecard assessment for our suppliers basis on their ESG performance, to train our stakeholders on the Supplier ESG program. Our plan is for the suppliers with low ESG rating to engage in a constructive dialogue, identify the root causes of their low performance, listen their ideas on alternative plans/practices for improving their ESG score, share our view on best practices and capture measurable, achievable solutions, guide and support them on the implementation of corrective and improvement actions within a realistic timeframe.

To this respect we have proceeded to the establishment of a sustainable procurement steering committee that will meet on a quarterly basis to review progress and discuss risks and consequently plan remedial measures to assure solid sustainability performance. This committee will report to the COO that is responsible to ensure alignment of ESG vision and implementation and align ESG strategies of different divisions within the company.


Our customer strategy is based on a spirit of partnership and our customers’ needs is the compass that paves the way for necessary improvements in our services. Our commitments refer to certain focus areas and are explicitly described in our “Customer Added Value Program” methodology

that will be published within the 2024 and encompass the 2023 Customer Added Value Dashboard with the KPIs linked to each one of the following elements relevant to our customers’
added value creation:

Danaos Financial Integrity

The Company is committed to preserve a healthy financial status. Financial KPIs, such as EBIDTA, which are the metrics of a company’s financial integrity create the foundation of a concrete base for a long-term collaboration in a safe and trustful business environment.

Danaos Code of Business and Ethics

The reputation and integrity of Danaos are valuable assets that are vital to the creation of a transparent, ethical, fair framework of cooperation with our customers. Each employee of the Company, including each of the Company’s officers, is responsible for conducting the Company’s business in a manner that demonstrates a commitment to the highest standards of integrity.

Reliability in the transportation of goods
Danaos sets the target of fleets’ utilization due to operational issues >99%. This target is met on an annual basis for the last 10 years. The uninterrupted operation of our fleet, with the highest quality standards, ensuring safe, efficient and on time transportation of goods generates high value for our customers.

Professional Crew
Our target for crew retention rate is > 80%. Seafarers are the most valuable link in the operations chain. Competent crew is the key pillar for safe and efficient ship’s operation. Crew awareness and engagement to company procedures, policies and practices is of outmost importance for ensuring quality service and is ensured by continuous training.

Optimized Performance
The Danaos Low Carbon Transition Plan (LCTP), offers a comprehensive overview of our dedication to climate action and describes our decarbonization strategy, surpassing the targets set by the IMO. In LCTP we record in a transparent and structured way Danaos policies to achieve our environmental goals. LCTP addresses IMO targets following IEA SDS pursuing efforts to meet the stricter 1.5oC Paris Agreement goal. Following LCTP roadmap will create opportunities for further business development with commercially attractive ships of low carbon footprint. Considering the IEA B2DS scenario analysis and as a first step, in Danaos we decided to strengthen decarbonization policy, setting new stricter targets of 50% carbon intensity reduction by 2030 compared to 2008 levels, with the aim to be carbon neutral by 2050.

Therefore, Danaos is the partner who can support its customer’s “green” initiatives and be next to them sharing efforts and the same vision in the decarbonization journey.

Transparency and Data Sharing

In view of the EU ETS, Fuel EU Maritime and the upcoming IMO decision on CII penalizing scheme, data sharing and transparency is more than imperative, in fact it is the new norm along with on-demand emission data verification.

We work on a transparent data sharing basis with our clients under JIPs developing APIs for online data exchange aiming to work together on route optimization after having developed a common understanding and approach on performance analysis.

Thus, clients can have a transparent, fully updated picture of ship’s performance on demand and/ or periodically.

Sustainable Structure
At Danaos sustainability is an integral part of our corporate culture and an important regulator in the decision making process. The company is committed to issue updated ESG report annually according to GRI & SASB standards. We are also committed to disclose data to CDP and CSA annually. The way to achieve our commitments is described in our LCTP (Low Carbon Transition Plan) which outlines the roadmap with the progressive steps to the ultimate target which is carbon neutrality.

When it comes to the environment as part of our ESG strategy and following our decision on strengthening our engagement with sustainability, in Danaos within 2023 we have disclosed for second time to CDP, obtaining a B- rating and we also received a CDP Supplier evaluation B- score on our practices on supplier engagement issues. In 2023 we reported in the S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment. We declare in a transparent way our commitments and progress towards their achievement, and we are assessed and rated accordingly.

In Danaos we evaluate our progress against our commitments and refine our strategy accordingly.

Customers’ Satisfaction
In Danaos we are committed to honor our commitments and C/P agreements.

We are committed to provide accurate information on the requested data on a timely manner. Our digitalized processing of performance and operational data via sophisticated data analytics tools ensures close control and on-time detection of any possible issue and proactive action to this respect.

We engage with our customers through meetings, in order to share information on action plans and long-term strategy. We work closely with our customers to develop services that promote sustainability, and we participate in our customers’ benchmarking systems and sustainability assessments.

In 2023 we have initiated a customer satisfaction and we are currently in process of revisiting the survey for fine tuning based on the assessment in order to reach our commitment by 2025.

The way to achieve our commitments is described in our LCTP (Low Carbon Transition Plan) which outlines the roadmap with the progressive steps to the ultimate target which is carbon neutrality.